Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

The segment of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is inherently a key audience for B2B companies, given that these structures represent 99% of the French economic fabric and generate a third of the overall turnover. Our 35 media brands, covering six key sectors of the French economy, attract over a third of the 4 million SMEs operating in France. By speaking on brands such as L'Usine Nouvelle, LSA Conso, or L'Argus de l'Assurance, you maximize your chances of engaging this strategic audience for your business.


SMEs - SMBs: a (very) specific audience

A great diversity in sectors of activity, a strong capacity for adaptation and innovation, a certain accessibility, difficulties in accessing financing…

taux affinité dirigeants PME
taux affinité dirigeants PME
TPE/PME lecteurs de nos Médias
TPE/PME lecteurs de nos Médias

The small business target group has its own specific characteristics, which need to be taken into account when developing your communications on our media brands :

  • Diversity of business sectors and sizes represented: the small business segment is much more heterogeneous than that of large companies;
  • Increased sensitivity to economic fluctuations and vulnerability to market turbulence ;
  • Rapid decision-making capacity, with ‘flat’ organisational structures, favouring accelerated decision-making and implementation ;
  • Limited budgets and resources, with a strong focus on price, profitability and short-term impact ;
  • Need for scalable solutions ;
  • Limited access to specialised resources and cutting-edge technical skills, leading small businesses to favour partners who can fill these gaps with personalised support and intensive coaching;
  • The importance of contractual flexibility and advantageous payment terms, especially in an inflationary environment ;
  • Looking for turnkey solutions that are easy to implement.


The major challenges facing small businesses

The small and medium-sized business audience also stands out for the challenges it faces :

  1. Climate and CSR issues: although large companies are also concerned by these issues, small businesses are often less well equipped and less mature on these subjects. They may lack the resources and expertise to implement effective CSR strategies and meet environmental requirements ;
  2. Inflation: rising prices for goods and services are putting increased pressure on small businesses, which have to manage costs while maintaining their competitiveness. They are looking for B2B solutions that help them optimise their supply chain, protect them from price fluctuations and maintain their competitiveness ;
  3. Digitalisation and digital transformation: small businesses can find it difficult to implement digitalisation and digital transformation processes due to limited resources and a lack of in-house expertise ;
  4. Talent and skills shortages ;
  5. Access to finance to support growth and innovation projects ;
  6. Increasing regulatory complexity, particularly in terms of cybersecurity and third-party compliance.


Targeting the small business audience with Infopro Digital Media

In daily contact with entrepreneurs, our editorial teams and experts observe, decipher and analyse the trends, changes, challenges, opportunities and threats facing small and medium-sized businesses, and offer exceptional editorial services throughout the year.

This in-depth understanding of the field gives Infopro Digital unprecedented legitimacy in France with the small business audience, as well as with advertisers, who can take the floor to inform, promote their value proposition and/or reveal their commitments.

targeting Small and medium-sized enterprises

Usine Nouvelle
L’Usine Nouvelle
lsa commerce consommation
Le Moniteur Batiment Travaux Publics
Le Moniteur des travaux publics et du bâtiment
l'Usine Digitale Marketing Numérique
L’Usine Digitale
Argus Assurance InfoPro Media Digital Courtage garantie
L’Argus de l’assurance
Emballage Magazine Conditionnement Industrie Marketing Equipe Usine Industriel Achat B2b Btob Fabrication Robot
Emballages Magazine
Industrie Technologie Marketing Equipe Usine Industriel Achat Fabrication IT Digital Informatique
Industrie & technologies
Formule Verte Industrie Marketing Audit Equipe Usine Industriel Achat B2b
Formule Verte
Industrie Pharma Pharmacie Recherche Btob B2b Chimie Professionnels Industriels Pharmaceutique
Info Chimie
Revue Du Jouet Magasin Distribution Retail Professionnel B2B BtoB Enseignes Commerces Marketing Sales
La Revue du Jouet
Neo Restauration B2B BtoB Hotellerie CHR Comptoir Sales Marketing Restaurateur Restaurant Service Enseigne Franchise Commerce Chaine
Néo Restauration
Décision Atelier Automobile B2B BtoB Concession Décideur Prescripteur Flotte Professionnel
Decision Atelier
Decision Atelier Pl Automobile B2B BtoB Gerant Garage Concession Decideur Prescripteur Flotte Poids Lourds Camions
Decision Poids Lourds
Stores Fermetures Construction Portes Fenetres BtoB B2B Professionnels Achats Batiment Construction BTP
Stores et Fermetures
Galvano Organo Industrie Marketing Audit Industriel Achat B2b Btob
Galvano Organo
Industrie Pharma média
Industrie Pharma

Our resources

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Our Solutions

Our solutions for targeting Small and medium-sized enterprises

Lead generation

Our B2B Data

Make the most of our exclusive, GDPR-compliant, PPP-certified database for targeted, high-performance marketing campaigns aimed at your professional communities.

Digital marketing


Our digital experts will drive your campaigns to meet the challenges of raising awareness and identifying leads. Their mission: to optimise the results of your campaign with our unique B2B audience.



The print format has not said its last word! Quite the opposite, in fact.

Our solutions – inserts, adverts, special operations, etc. – allow you to stand out from the crowd by associating yourself with the endorsement of our brands.

Brand content

Brand content

Never has it been more necessary to offer your audiences high-value content. In the age of information overload, we accompany you in providing content in various formats that is relevant and distinctive.

Digital marketing

Special operations

Let’s work together to devise the cross-channel solution that’s right for you. Our teams of experts, combined with our brands, will help you achieve your objectives in terms of brand awareness, expertise and business acceleration.

Lead generation


Thanks to email marketing, you reach qualified B2B leads directly in their inbox! We offer you 4 million intentional contacts to enter new markets and recruit your future clients…

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